I have an injury that's going to prevent me from running this week. I should have listened to my body, and my previous store of knowledge, and rested on Sunday after those 8 miles on Saturday. But I didn't. So, Monday's run ended after about a mile and a half of running on a very sore right shin. Mary, you warned me, but I refused to heed your warning. I know better. This is not my first run around the block. But with an injured leg, a scale that keeps creeping up, and a diet that's less than palatable, I'm discouraged indeed.
Knowing that there's no possibility of losing anywhere near 30 pounds in 42 days, I've changed the subtitle of my blog. It's time to get real. Encouraging words are much needed and appreciated.
You can do this Ashley! You could do a cleanse to clear out the toxins from your body. You could also eat nothing but raw food for several days and see what happens, then again, you best do what you think you are capable of doing, or else you are going to get off of the bandwagon!