Day Eight
I have officially completed an entire week. This is not the easiest thing I've ever done, I'll be honest. But I have lost four pounds, and that makes it totally worth it. Friend has lost six pounds! Woot-woot! Hands in the air for a victory dance.
The best part about today was going on a long walk with Charles. I don't usually take my mp3 player, but today I did and listened to some of my favorite songs that I didn't even realize were on there. It was really hard not to sing along.
Day Eight 149lbs |
I had a grilled chicken salad at lunch today. It was awesome-delicious. And so filling, I didn't even get hungry for dinner. In fact, I wasn't even planning to eat until Friend came home, found me elbow deep in cake (for that 125 pop order this week), and said she was hungry. That was nearly 9 o'clock. So we had some ham and cheese and chocolate roasted almonds. No complaints.
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